Cosmetic Skin Solutions Blog By S. Manjula Jegasothy MD

Wednesday, March 01, 2023 1 Comment

Looking good feels good. In this age, where everyone has a camera in their hands, our faces are our brands. We maintain our personal beauty not just for others, we do it for ourselves. Confidence in ourselves is bolstered by confidence in our looks. 

Miami Beach, Florida, USA on Ocean Drive.

At Miami Skin Institute, Dr. Jegasothy and the entire staff are committed to helping clients look and feel their absolute best. With the safest, most modern methods and procedures available, Dr. Jegasothy is on a mission to make Miami and the world more beautiful.

A short look at the history of cosmetics reveals the depths people will mine for beauty. Even in the modern world there are dangers to many cosmetic procedures. There are numerous stories about treatments that went wrong. A theme in most of those stories is the unlicensed practitioner. We strongly recommend that dermatological treatments should be performed by a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Jegasothy. 

Friday, February 10, 2023 2 Comments

Summer is coming. Are you thinking about dropping those last few stubborn bits of fat before heading to the beach? Do you want your double chin to become just a single chin again? Are you at a healthy weight, but have some spots of fat that won’t go away?

The answer to your prayers may be Kybella fat melting injections. Kybella is a highly specialized procedure that takes training, skill, and expertise to do right – Dr. Jegasothy has all 3 in spades. Let’s break this treatment down and talk about what it can do for you.

kybella fat melting injections in chin
Woman getting fat burning injections in her chin.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a non-surgical, injectable treatment that was FDA-approved in 2015 to reduce double chins and other stubborn fat deposits around the jawline and neck area. It is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in your body. Deoxycholic acid breaks down and absorbs fat cells from the area of treatment. This article goes a little deeper into the science behind it. Es...

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 1 Comment

In Miami and among our worldwide clients, there’s a strong desire to look young and fresh-faced. And there’s no shame in that! We all want to look our best. Our appearances matter so much in today’s world. Aging is inevitable but that doesn’t mean we have to look like we’re old! So, if you’re considering getting a little help in the facial beauty department, we have something to tell you about.

“Doc, My Eyes Look Terrible!”

A young Indian woman with dark cirles under eyes.

If you look in the mirror and think, “I always look tired,” or you cringe when you see a photo of your face (and the dark circles under your eyes), or perhaps you have trouble seeing the beauty in your face because the bags under your eyes seem to be storing more than an attic? We have great news for you: You don’t have to live in fear of selfies. Dr. Jegasothy is here to revolutionize the way you care for your eyes. 

Under-Eye Filler Has Entered the Chat

Under-eye filler is one way that many peopl...

Thursday, January 12, 2023 2 Comments

Drooping or wrinkled skin on the neck is caused by factors like aging, sun damage, or weight gain. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help reduce these signs of aging and restore a youthful look and feel to your neck.

Is this what you see when you look at your neck?

Turkey neck illustrating damaged or wrinkled skin
A turkey with it’s entire neck exposed.

Of course not. Listen, regardless of what you see in the mirror, you’re beautiful.

Still, no one wants to feel like a turkey.

Maybe this is familiar.

Double Chin can be eliminated by the nonsurgical neck lift
Double Chin closeup

Or perhaps, you have chicken skin on your neck, sun-damage, wrinkles, sagging skin, etc.

Get rid of flabby neck fat with the nonsurgical neck lift
Flabby neck closeup.

Have you been considering a neck lift? Well, here’s the scoop on one of our favorite treatment combinations: the Nonsurgical Neck Lift. This combo includes a powerful trio of complementary therapies: Ultherapy, Dysport, and Viora RF laser treatments — all designed to give you a more youthful look with minimal downtime and NONE of the risks of elective surgery.

nonsurgical neck lift results before and after
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 No comments

Whether you call it your butt, bottom, bum, rump, tush, backside, booty, fanny, heinie or keister, no one wants to feel like their backside is their worst side. Well, good news! Miami Skin Institute has the expertise to help you feel proud of your posterior. While the improvement takes time, we can get you started now so that when Spring comes, you are sporting what the kids call a badunkadunk (which, we are told, is a good thing). 

a flat and a rounded posterior

But Mine is Really Flat or Flabby or (Insert Bad Descriptor)

Everyone has their own circumstances. Our bodies are all rather incredible, even unique, organic machines. Although lifestyle and diet can both affect someone’s shape and size, genetics can, for many people, stand in the way of the look they want. Perhaps you come from a long line of flat butts and your chromosomes will never permit you to naturally have the kind of butt that you dream about. Or perhaps time and gravity have cruelly made your once beautiful bum less round and full. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 1 Comment

No one can say for sure if the scar on his face made Tony Montoya into the notorious killer and drug lord. Certainly, the distinct mark of trauma on the left side of his face did not help. Scars are part of living, and we accumulate them throughout life. Whether caused by a surgical procedure or traumatic incident, scars are rarely our proudest features (that one memorable scene from Jaws aside).

We don’t remove scars at Miami Skin Institute. Scar removal (also called scar revision) is performed by surgeons who cut out the scar tissue and suture the skin back together, hopefully making a much less noticeable line. There are a few potential issues with this method of scar removal. Besides, one needn’t be a philosopher to notice the inherent contradiction in using surgery to remove a scar…Fortunately, modern medical advances provide new methods to eliminate the unsightly evidence of surgeries and trauma.

Laser Scar Effacement

At Miami Skin Institute, we treat scars. We treat them like fugitives ...