Ultherapy and The Non-Surgical Facelift
To Cut or Not to Cut? That is the Question.
Facelifts are over one hundred years old. The procedure was developed in a textbook in 1907 although the first actual facelift would come 9 years later. The procedure has been improved over time, however surgical face-lifts are still surgery. Many individuals resist the surgical option for various, good reasons. And too many still think that a surgical face-lift is the best (or only) option to look younger and eliminate drooping skin.
Surgery is Kinda Scary
Yes, it can be.
Cosmetic surgery absolutely requires some recovery time, and can have side effects or complications. Meanwhile, the drastic changes in appearance that surgery yields can be shocking.
The recovery time from a facelift can be a few weeks or even a couple of months. The additional side effects of a traditional, surgical facelift can include bleeding, scars, infection, numbness, swelling, and numerous other rather unpleasant experiences.
Younger patients are often reluctant to get face lifts as they want improvement that is noticeable, but subtle. The dramatic effects of a facelift may be exactly what some are after, but many people want a less obvious route to a younger-looking face.
What Dr. J Recommends: The Nonsurgical Facelift
At Miami Skin Institute, we offer a nonsurgical facelift that combines two of our popular treatments for amazing results that last for years: Ultherapy and Filler.
This combination is an excellent option for those who don’t want the hassles, risks, and side effects of surgery. This procedure offers a more gradual, natural-looking improvement to the face.
While each treatment is tailored by Dr. J for the best results for each individual, the order is the same. First, we use Ultherapy to promote collagen production. Afterwards, we use dermal fillers to add volume to the face and restore a youthful shape.
What is the Deal with Collagen?
Collagen is a fundamental part of the body, and it plays a huge role in how healthy our skin looks. One of its many roles is providing support and structure in your skin. As we age, our body produces less collagen each year. Collagen starts to break down which leads to saggy, less elastic skin that is drier and thinner. As a result, the skin becomes more prone to wrinkles and fine lines.
What Does Ultherapy Do to Collagen?
Ultherapy is an ultrasound-based technology that performs targeted stimulation of collagen. It is non-invasive, safe, proven effective, and FDA-cleared. The device has been shown to tighten and rejuvenate skin on the upper chest, neck, brow, and chin. Most patients will notice tighter skin after their first treatment. Like other collagen-stimulation techniques, results continue to improve for up to 6 months, and the benefits can stay with you for years.
As an ultrasound device, Ultherapy provides ultrasound imaging that assists Dr. Jegasothy in expertly applying collagen-stimulating energy to the precise locations and exact depths where it will have the most significant effect on your collagen.
Dr. J has been performing Ultherapy treatments for over 10 years. As a board-certified Dermatologist, she “reads” your skin. Her expert eyes spot the areas that will benefit from the treatment. As with everything we do at Miami Skin Institute, Dr. Jegasothy crafts the treatment for each patient using her decades of training and experience to achieve the best results for each patient’s unique skin.
One Ultherapy treatment is usually sufficient for noticeable improvements in skin tightness and appearance. The collagen stimulation will continue to improve the look and feel of your skin for months to come as the increased collagen production works to rejuvenate your face. Dr. J talks about it here.
After the Ultherapy
After the Ultherapy treatment, Dr. J completes the nonsurgical facelift with small amounts of dermal filler in strategically chosen areas. The results are subtle but profound and lasting. Which filler we use will be determined by Dr. J. There are various dermal fillers available on the market at this time. With her decades of training, knowledge, and experience with faces and skin of all types Dr. Jegasothy will determine the optimal dermal filler for your skin.
Did you say Dermal Filler?
Okay, “Dermal Filler” is no one’s favorite word combination. It doesn’t sound great, but fillers are amazing products that come in the form of soft gels. They work immediately to fill areas with lost volume, and smooth lines. Many dermal fillers also stimulate collagen production, and in conjunction with Ultherapy, your collagen stimulation gets a serious jumpstart.
Dr. J knows that some people don’t love the idea of dermal fillers, but you can hear her tell you why no one should be afraid of them here.
Dr. Jegasothy has spent years mastering the subtle use of injectable treatments like dermal fillers. Over decades of practice and medical training, she’s cultivated precise injection techniques that will not leave you looking puffy or with a “chipmunk face.” At Miami Skin Institute the goal is to make you look natural, younger, and healthier.
Dermal fillers are not permanent. Most are composed of ingredients that naturally occur in the body, and will be absorbed slowly as the collagen stimulation effects of the filler & ultherapy work to maintain the positive effects.
How Long Does a Nonsurgical Facelift Take?
Both the Ultherapy and Dermal Filler injections are done in one visit, so you leave our office with a fuller, fresher, younger-looking face that will continue to improve over the coming months. The entire process should take less than an hour!
What About Pre and Post Treatment Care?
There is no preparation for the nonsurgical facelift and no post-procedure care, either! However, we do generally recommend avoiding direct, prolonged sunlight for a week for optimal recovery. Some patients experience mild, temporary tenderness, redness, or swelling, but they quickly fade. You can resume normal activities immediately after your treatment (try that with a surgical facelift)!
Are you ready to take years off your face? Dr. J is ready to customize a treatment plan for you. Send us a message or call us to get on the schedule and take the first step towards a younger, more vibrant face!